
by Dyonne Marina
There wasn’t a single star to be seen in the dark sky, and the moon was hidden behind thick clouds. The wind didn’t blow, and only the sharp sound of the tip of my sword dragging over the bare rocks filled the night. Blood slowly trickled from the wound on my forearm over my fingers. The wound wasn't very deep. The long, dark nails hadn’t struck anything vital. But it would leave a scar.
Shuddering, I exhaled. I stood still on a ledge of the rock where the beast had vanished and looked out over the valley. I had thought I was on its trail for days, but it had turned out otherwise. It had been tracking me for days. The creature was clever; I had underestimated it. And now I was bleeding for it.
The valley was darker than the sky. The forests and rivers were obscured by the thick mist that lay like a blanket over the landscape. Normally, this would bring me peace, but not anymore. Now I knew what kinds of creatures were hiding in that mist.
A dull thud made the ledge tremble, and quickly, I pressed my back against the rock wall. The sound of nails scraping against stone hurt my ears, and I held my breath. A purple, spiked tail flicked briefly before my field of vision, and I knew the beast was above me.
I tried to press myself even closer against the rock wall. With my blood-stained hand, I slowly and silently raised my sword, ready to strike any part of the creature’s body the moment it detected me. I tried not to breathe. I was caught in a trap. I could have smacked myself for being so foolish. Stupid, stupid...
A shrill, wailing sound filled the night air, and I cowered. I felt a small fragment of rock hit my arm as it broke loose from the wall. Then it became silent. Even quieter than it had been before.